Thomas B.
Currently viewing the tag: "mad about the boy"
Most of my exposure to Nordic larp goodness comes from attending Knutepunkt, and Mad about the Boy (MatB) is no exception. I remember a presentation in 2011, and a quick chat with Trine Lise Lindahl (one of the authors) in the KP cafeteria, telling her how cool this stuff was, and something like […]
2013 afroasiatik burlesque conquest of mythodea convention critique défi XVIIIème english français french french larp gn gniales gnidee hip-hop huis clos jdr jeu de rôle jeu de rôle grandeur nature knudepunkt knutepunkt kung-fu lacepunk larp le four fantastique murder party mythodea nodal point nordic larp old news orc'idée podcast radio roliste rap review roliste sk2012 solmukohta steampunk stim suisse swiss larp switzerland thomas b. XVIIIèmePeeps be commentin’
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