Afroasiatik was a French-Swiss larp run in the zen garden of Aigle, Switzerland, in August 2013. Its goal was to expose larpers to hip-hop themes and enable them to give their first hip-hop performances.
Video documentation
French hip-hop vs. French larp
According to Afrika Bambaataa, the Godfather of […]
Warning: long post ahead. Read the short version here.
Part 1: the original reason for the game, a history of French hip-hop and its Asian influences
Part 2: how inspiration sources were used to build a game world that featured kimono-wearing rappers in a European zen garden
Part […]
Warning: long posts ahead. Read the short version here.
Part 1: the original reason for the game, a history of French hip-hop and its Asian influences
Part 2: how inspiration sources were used to build a game world that featured kimono-wearing rappers in a European zen garden
Part […]
Warning: long posts ahead. Read the short version here.
Afroasiatik was a French-Swiss larp run in the zen garden of Aigle, Switzerland on Sunday 25th August 2013 with pre-game workshops on Saturday 24th August in Lausanne. Both Aigle and Lausanne are located in Romandie, the western, French-speaking part of Switzerland.
I spend most of my time in social circles where people rarely listen to hip-hop. For some it comes from lack of exposure, but for others it’s a sort of blanket dismissal of the genre. As I don’t take “no” for an answer and as there are many reasons to dislike hip-hop, I use of […]
I love mashups, even (or especially) when they err on the side of camp. So when I learned that a salvaged copy of the 1929 silent movie Cagliostro was released on DVD with two soundtracks, one classical and one abstract (instrumental) hip-hop, I nearly wet my post-geek pants. As you […]
En 1990, la compilation Rapattitude m’avait fait découvrir le rap français. En 2000, la mixtape L’Antre de la folie m’avait convaincu que le genre avait encore un avenir. L’un de ces sauveurs iconoclastes s’appelait Fuzati, membre du Klub des Loosers (l’autre moitié est actuellement DJ Detect, que certains auront […]
Ce titre est de ma chère et tendre, c’est non seulement très juste mais aussi plus parlant pour le lectorat geeko-helvète de ce blog que “Orelsan, c’est le Fuzati de province”. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent ni l’un ni l’autre, dites vous que ce sont des mecs pas très beaux, avec des […]
Trente ans d’influence XVIIIe dans les musiques populaires
Préface du rédacteur
Que le jeu de mot laid du titre sonne comme un avertissement au lecteur: cet billet contient des oeuvres d’un goût plus que douteux, qu’il soit musical ou vestimentaire. Dixhuitièmistes sourcilleux passez votre chemin, je ne saurai être tenu responsable de vos […]
2013 afroasiatik burlesque conquest of mythodea convention critique défi XVIIIème english français french french larp gn gniales gnidee hip-hop huis clos jdr jeu de rôle jeu de rôle grandeur nature knudepunkt knutepunkt kung-fu lacepunk larp le four fantastique murder party mythodea nodal point nordic larp old news orc'idée podcast radio roliste rap review roliste sk2012 solmukohta steampunk stim suisse swiss larp switzerland thomas b. XVIIIèmePeeps be commentin’
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