Jacques Mucchielli, fâché talentueux, 1977-2011.
Les mauvais jours finiront.
En l’espace de quelques jours, de vifs débats sur les GN expérimentaux ont fait rage sur le forum de Rôle,(regardez tous les sujets lancés par Brau, un vrai festival) des GNistes Américains se sont gentiment moqués des Nordiques et des spammers ont fait remonter des entrailles d’Aufildujeu.com les messages […]
As Arte is playing Tournée tonight, the movie of the larp (explanations here) was released on Arte’s website today. It’s in French, but you get to see how the game looked like.
For an in-depth review by an experienced larper (who played the dude with the hat), feel free to
Explanations etc. are in part 1.
LARP various electronic devices
Kreyl Laurelindo et Vladimir Iachounski presented custom-designed electronic special effects made for Russian games, from fantasy to scifi. We rarely see Russian larp things in France beyond battle videos, so getting a glimpse at the technology side of things was fun. There were […]
Once a year, larpers gather in Paris to talk about their hobby, share tips and schmooze at the GNiales. Originally directed at a French-speaking audience of larp organizers and «players who want to become organizers», since last year the event has gotten much more international, with a full track of items […]
A few weeks ago, the fine folks that had brought us the first Swiss steampunk larp, returned with the Mad Max-inspired « T’as pas dix balles ?? » (« Can you spare ten [bucks or bullets is the same word in French] ?? »). I had originally hoped to fulfill one of my larp fantasies at this […]
I love mashups, even (or especially) when they err on the side of camp. So when I learned that a salvaged copy of the 1929 silent movie Cagliostro was released on DVD with two soundtracks, one classical and one abstract (instrumental) hip-hop, I nearly wet my post-geek pants. As you […]
After my initial comments, here are pictures and further personal impressions on the transmedia experiment that closed a few weeks ago.
The Series
Watching The Spiral was really fun. In many ways, this was the first time I watched a very European drama, something that had “EU” stamped all over […]
About ten days ago I attended the first SlutWalk in Geneva, Switzerland. SlutWalks are demonstrations with simple mottos like “don’t tell me how to dress, tell them not to rape”. Rape victims are rape victims, whatever they wear, and rapists are criminals, period. Organizers get attention from the […]
Quand les médias, partis traditionnels, églises autres lobbies ne disent pas grand chose sur un sujet qui fâche, il faut faire le boulot soit même. La solution de base est bien sûr d’en parler autour de soi, en famille et au boulot, mais l’impact est forcément limité. Passer à la vitesse supérieure implique […]
2013 afroasiatik burlesque conquest of mythodea convention critique défi XVIIIème english français french french larp gn gniales gnidee hip-hop huis clos jdr jeu de rôle jeu de rôle grandeur nature knudepunkt knutepunkt kung-fu lacepunk larp le four fantastique murder party mythodea nodal point nordic larp old news orc'idée podcast radio roliste rap review roliste sk2012 solmukohta steampunk stim suisse swiss larp switzerland thomas b. XVIIIèmePeeps be commentin’
- GEESAMAN8 on Deux GN avec du Star Wars dedans, un marathon et de l’oralité
- Steampunk Props Part 3: Gun, Smoke Rings video, Bubbles, a Chandelier and Art by Latranis - Thomas B. on Cheese-eating larper monkeys: the GNiales 2011 recap
- I'm a size 47 media whore and here's what sells online - Thomas B. on And they piss like I cry over unfaithful women